As colleges struggle to retain students and keep them on track to a degree, it’s never been more important to maintain a welcoming and well-functioning online presence. To meet the needs of students accustomed to the immediacy of a smart-technology enabled world, how can institutions adapt?
Creating a Seamless Online Experience examines ways colleges are streamlining and personalizing their administrative websites and digital platforms to better foster student success:
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Cut through the clutter. Information overload is a real risk when trying to reach distracted students engaging on multiple online platforms. Coordinating messaging across departments can help students easily access what they need to know.
Creating a Seamless Online Experience
Collaborate across campus. Staff members from different departments, including academic advising, financial aid, faculty, and analytics are meeting and working together to compare notes and fine-tune interventions to reach and help students early.
Meet students where they are. From proactive outreach from online student mentors, to push notifications and text messages, colleges are updating their communications approaches to meet the needs, expectations, and attention spans of the new generation of college students.
“Creating a Seamless Online Experience” was produced by Chronicle Intelligence.
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Personalize the support. Students are accustomed to technology that knows them and anticipates their behaviors. Colleges are growing their AI capabilities to bring this experience to the digital campus.
Personalize the support. Students are accustomed to technology that knows them and anticipates their behaviors. Colleges are growing their AI capabilities to bring this experience to the digital campus.